Wednesday, April 21, 2010


for those of you that know me- you know that i move entirely too often. that's right. i've moved again for the 58569 time in the past 3 years. i hate moving with a passion. i get settled and organized and then i move and i'm disorganized all over again. i probably wasn't really organized to begin with but that's beside the point and another blog post. point is, i've been stressed. a lot going on in a short period of time. and all you entrepreneurs out there know how hard it is to keep things in balance. sometimes it feels impossible.

well, i've decided that i refuse to let the launch of this line fall behind. i vow to blog,twitter,and facebook to keep you posted on what's going on and when this launch date will be. the first order is currently in the middle of production and i should be receiving it by the end of next week. i'm shooting for the launch date to be in mid may. i'm getting kinda antsy. this has been a LONG time coming. the website will be finished as soon as i receive product. website photos will be by the fabulous Rebekah Hood. She is a great friend of mine and is EXTREMELY talented. i can hardly wait!

progress is being made people, i promise :)